02 9232 3333



Cosmetic Dentistry: Discoloured, chipped or missing teeth can affect self-confidence. 

For example, a person may be reluctant to smile with parted lips if they feel their teeth are unattractive, or they may resort to covering their mouth with their hand whenever they laugh. Cosmetic dentistry can make substantial improvements to every kind of smile. 



Restorative: It is derived from the verb "to restore". For example, if a tooth is damaged by decay, accident, or a fracture, it is necessary to restore it's shape, color and function. We do this simply by doing a "restoration" on the tooth. If the damage being repaired was small, a filling will do the job.

If most of the tooth has been damaged or lost, a large restoration, known as a crown, is required. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Discoloured, chipped or missing teeth can affect self-confidence. Let us help you feel better about your teeth.




If a tooth is damaged by decay, accident, or a fracture, it is necessary to restore it's shape, color & function.

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